Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pittsburg, Pierogies and the Monangahela Valley

          We’re in Charleroi, PA, just south of Pittsburg visiting our daughter-in-law’s parents Les and Fame.   We took a driving tour yesterday of some of the sites here in the Monangahela River Valley visiting several of the small cities that line the river. This part of the country was the heart of the steel industry in days gone by.  The town of Clairton was the setting for the home scenes in the movie “the Deer Hunter”.   We took a “10 minute ride” into Pittsburg for lunch at the Church Brewery in the Lawrenceville part of Pittsburg.  The reference to ten minutes is because it seems everything here is 30 minutes away.  We had pierogies as an appetizer to lunch and they were very good!After lunch we headed for the Sarris Candy Company and indulged ourselves in candy and ice cream…”divine decadence!”

             Today we will bus tour Pittsburg and celebrate the birth of this wonderful country of ours!  As I celebrate the 4th of July this year, I’m prone to think that even though we’ve got our problems in this country with issues and such, I’m still marvelously blessed to be living where I am and enjoying the freedoms. 

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

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